Magnetic Personal Brand Story #4 Scott Dalton with Zahrina Robertson
Director – Billy Kids Early Learning Group
I own and operate a group of childcare centres in Sydney with my business partner, David Forrest. Together we sourced the sites, designed the premises, gained Council approvals, built the premises, licenced them, opened and now operate the childcare businesses. We currently have 90 permanent teachers who work with us, serving around 500 families a week. Our culture is what I am most proud of. People come first in our business.
How did you find the courage/motivation to embark on the path of doing what you’re doing as a dynamic entrepreneur?
A good business is a thing of beauty. From the age of fifteen I knew I wanted to own and operate my own business. Perhaps foolishly I never had a Plan B.
What are your top two strategies for promoting your personal brand to help your business?
I don’t have Facebook and don’t really promote myself as a Brand in any conscious way other than a Linked In page which has become a bit of a corporate necessity.
How has personal branding helped you to achieve your business goals?
We all have a brand. These days it’s called brand, it used to be called character. The more things change the more they stay the same. What we believe in is the foundation of our business’s effectiveness. What you do essential proves what you believe in or why you did something. If they believe what you believe then they get you and believe in you or your brand.
This applies to individual brands and organisational brands. In terms of a organisational brands, they are built and survive on what they believe in or their culture. People whose character traits or brand are aligned with these effective principles have endless possibilities. Powerful and effective character traits are honesty, compassion, reliability, team players, considerate, passionate. When these character traits are combined with a propensity to reflect, learn and grow you have an effective individual character or brand. The most amazing part of this magic formula is you can consciously choose the principals which you live by both individually and as an organisation. Understanding the key to long term effectiveness and hiring like minded people is the foundation for any successful brand or organisation.
From your experience, what advice would you provide to other entrepreneurs on personal branding?
Your personal brand and your achievements are intertwined. They are both the product of the principles that you live by.
What does the future hold for you?
Nothing is permanent, so my future is about maintaining the existing good businesses we have along with constant cycle of reflection, learning and growth.
For more information on how Zahrina can help you create your magnetic personal brand with IMAGES and VIDEO, please contact Zahrina Robertson via this link:
Author of “MAGNETIC BRANDING”- The Complete Guide For a Brand That Attracts!