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Is your Visual Influence, Crafted to Attract your Niche?

Are you aware,
it's about conscious key positioning
and how you stand out?


Your magnetic profile is everything these days.

Did you know, it’s how you competitively position yourself?
World-Class Photography, Video ShowReels, Strategy and Styling defines who you are and together attracts the right people to you.  

Australia's Leading Multi-Award Winning
Brand Photographer + Video Strategist for Speakers, Authors, Leaders, Entreprenuers

Welcome, I’m Zahrina Robertson,  trusted to Craft your Compelling Story Brand.

Over 8 years, uniquely positioned locally in Sydney as Australia’s Leading Multi-Award Winning Visual Brand Strategist, the Personal Brand Photographer, Video Producer, Speaker and Author.

Consistently providing serious entrepreneurs, speakers, leaders, celebrities, business owners and coaches to competitively stand out via styling and strategy matched with an image library of personal brand portraits, showreels, author book trailers, event imagery that gains them a wider audience and paid their worth as the key known person of influence. 

In order to become memorable and known, you need to show up, be seen and heard in the right competitive photography and video showreels, I will get you there.

So if you’re serious about utilising more inspiring images or videos that position you for influence, then let’s chat.

gold winner
Silver winner
Bronze winner
2024 nb award winner (1)

Find out how a brand attracts

"This book is the ultimate brand builder"- Therese T.

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Feeling Frustrated By The Videos You Are Sharing?

You can have the most amazing message to share with the world but if you don’t know how to be magnetically noticed by the right audience then it will forever go unheard. Here’s how I will help you…

Firstly, styling you correctly is a powerful approach to grab attention and keep all eyes on you. However, you need to find a skilled videographer that understands the brand strategy + styling will make your video work for you, both before and after it’s produced to delivery. Great video creation can be expensive. It’s an investment so you want to know it’s working and giving you maximum ROI.

You simply can’t deny the power of video assets – this is the new world.

Watching video provides both audio and visual stimulation which quickly engages your audience. Then you feel connected to your audience. It instantly builds trust and rapport and people develop a stronger affiliation for you than if they were simply seeing your static content. Giving you that magnetic compelling edge.

Here’s How to Find Your Compelling Story Brand - Photographer

Today, you need to find an expert photographer who deeply understands how to visually elevate your brand and strategically capture meaningful and impactful images that show your true personality. Here’s how I will guide you step by step, giving you that competitive edge.

These days you need more than a handful of images to get you by. No doubt – world class brand Strategy + Styling, Photography and Video Showreels are your benchmark to seek out.

Think about it. People scroll so fast through social media – magnetic images stop them in their tracks … you want a plethora of these images, right? With an image library of over 150 well-thought-out, usable photos, you will have enough photographs to cover your social media content for the next 12 months – my minimum, guarantee!

For over 10 years, I’ve loved producing quality impactful vibrant image libraries for all my clients. A brilliant branding photographer will provide you with a collection of photos that will support your profile, marketing, website, written messages, headers, banners, etc over all your platforms – I love giving you the competitive edge.

3 steps to make your mark

Business Branding Gallery

Here’s what Zahrina Robertson's
client’s have to say…

Supercharge Your Video Visibility

I invite you to connect …

Together, let’s slice through the noise with world-class images, video and brand strategy that attracts immediate attention and quickly engages to widen your audience and create a powerful platform that builds your trust.

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