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Are You Ready To Become a Super Video Attractor?

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Are You Ready To Find Out The AMAZING Content You Could Share Confidently…?

If you understand the HUGE importance of using videos to promote your business, but you feel too self-conscious when you’re on a Zoom call, or creating video… this will be the most important letter you’ll ever read. 

Let’s face it. There has been a boom in the online video space.
All forward thinking businesses are realizing the importance of using video as a MUST HAVE tool to connect with new and existing customers.
And Facebook says you are FIVE times more likely to sell on video.

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This is Exactly who I WANT, KNOW and NEED!”


As a Coach or Consultant …

This is what your potential clients and customers want to

THINK, KNOW and FEEL about you, when they see  you online they WANT you!

BE YOUR VIDEO BRAND is unlike any other video content offer out there:
🎥 I won’t just list off a bunch of expensive equipment and pretend like that’s the solution to all your problems.
🎥 I won’t tell you a bunch of overwhelming technical camera tips and then throw in a, “Oh, and don’t forget to smile!” at the end.
🎥 I also won’t tell you “stop being scared!” and to “just start filming, and everything will turn out great!”
…because if you’ve already tried that, you probably ended up so unhappy with the final result that you refused to publish it.
🎥 That’s why you’re here, looking for 1:1 help you feel confident on camera and share your business message all with out the tech hassles.
And be comfortable on Zoom.
And the good news is …
You’re arrived at exactly the right place!
This video content package is designed to help you ACTUALLY break that internal barrier and start creating videos…
Because camera equipment and the rule of thirds isn’t what’s holding you back……

It’s FEAR.

It’s TECH hassles

It’s not having an EXPERT guide you 1:1

Fear that you don’t know exactly what to say in your content videos, fear your voice sounds weird, fear that you’ll forget what to say on a live video, fear of not looking great on video, fear of judgement by complete strangers and that your friends and family will think you’re weird for publishing videos of yourself.
This content video offer is for savvy business owners who DO NOT have the time  to learn about about video tech.
The future growth of your business relies on you being visual in a virtual world connecting, sharing your expertise and business solutions.
With that said, here’s…


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Check out these incredibly powerful testimonials from my brilliant clients.


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Incredible Content rich VIDEOS tell people who you are instantly – without the hassle of Tech!


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This allows you to connect Deeply. AuthenticallyMemorably.

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And, will make your business a million times easier and more inspiring to your clients.

Wondering why that might be?

So you’re probably wondering,

how does it all work?

For people to want to hire you, they must engage with you and see your friendly vibe, to see, like, know and trust you.
They will see you as an expert leader, and feel a sense of trust, that they can feel confident to engage you.
They will see your authenticity and realness.
They will get a sense of your intelligence, humour, openness, and connection.
They will feel your presence, and be drawn to you.


Here’s what’s on OFFER and more…


With my expertise, your visual assets are the fastest way you can create this level depth of connection quickly and authentically.

This VIDEO CONTENT course comes in three parts.
🎥 Part One is what 99% of other video courses skip.
Instead of me saying, “Don’t be scared! Just get out there and START FILMING!” (gee, thanks… never thought of THAT before…)
I’ll actually guide you through WHY you don’t like seeing yourself on camera, WHAT you’re really scared of, and HOW you can overcome it.
If you’re looking for a way to finally conquer your fear of being on video and share more of your content… this is it!
By allowing me address your fears 1:1 and the real reasons standing in your way, you can turn those fears into positive thoughts and start actually enjoying your time on camera.
🎥 And once you’ve had this massive mental breakthrough, you’ll be ready for Part Two. 
This is where I’ll show you how to look better on screen, styling, lighting. You’ll instantly look brighter, better and it’s more flattering.
🎥 And next Part Three.
This is where I’ll teach you exactly what to say, when to say and how to say it.
You will show up in your content videos as honest and authentic with a clear message for your audience.
You can stop worrying about freezing, forgetting, or looking nervous on camera, I’ve got your back!
You’ll learn the physical steps you can take to create a video that shares intriguing content AND portrays you as an expert in your field.


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Say ” YES ” to creating a VIDEO Brand that Attracts!



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This video is a Must Watch and gives a great sense of ZAHRINA and her personality and why you should work with her.

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Now that you have seen how we can work together, don’t just take it from me!

Check out these incredibly powerful testimonials from my brilliant clients.

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🎥 VIDEO Content Package 🎥

Your Multi-Award Winning Brand Photographer + Videographer, Author and Brand Strategist,

Zahrina Robertson will help you;


Become Video Visual in Your Virtual World

ELEVATE Your VISIBILITY and become KNOWN with Zahrina!


Are You a Coach or a Consultant?


Do you need content rich VIDEOS Now?

HATE the hassles of TECH, stopping you producing videos? 


Want you to be VISIBLE to be known, liked and trusted?

Do you have a Personal Business Brand that relies on people trusting you?

Are you keen to have an expert videographer help you be known?

Do you love the idea of having 21 videos professionally edited and shared online without lifting a finger?




1:1 with Zahrina Robertson Australia’s Leading Brand Photographer + Video Producer

21 x Edited Content filled Videos

10 x Branding Photos – variety to use online

1 hour Content Planning Session

Stunning Natural Light Options with choice of in person or on location

5 x Clothing Choices

E-Copy of Zahrina’s book – “Magnetic Branding“ The Complete Guide For A Brand That Attracts

Video Styling Session – let’s sort your online style out!






1 . SELECT SHOOT TIME – Let’s talk about your brand message and styling, together to create your success.

2 . CHOOSE your Stunning Professional Hair + Makeup (option) $220 – Book online after you select your shoot time. Please allocate 1 hour before your shoot time for hair and make-up.

3 . PAYMENT secures your shoot time allocated on the day of your Professional Branding VIDEO shoot to skyrocket your Visibility.

4 . CONNECT with Zahrina to discuss your appointment, brand and she will go over details with you! We are so excited for you!

5 . Check out Australia’s Best Branding Photography and Videos here … ZahrinaPhotography – WEBSITE + IMAGES + VIDEOS

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Say “YES” to being a Video Brand that Attracts!

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Your session includes at least one 60 minute strategy and branding  zoom session prior to us meeting as well as a certain amount of text and email support directly with Zahrina leading up to your video session to discuss possible locations and concepts, ideas, specific needs, virtual wardrobe advisement & style assistance (clothes provided by you, of course 😉 )



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CLICK BELOW… to make the magic happen for you!

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[accordion-item title=”What is the turn-around time?”]

 Generally for most people turn around is about up to 10 business days for 21 x videos.

[accordion-item title=”Zahrina’s Signature Approach to You…”]

A look generally is an outfit. A change of clothes is basically what we mean by moving on to the next “look”. For each look, I try to get as MUCH variety as possible. My creative brain just naturally is always saying to itself, “ok this is the banner, this is the 404 not found shot, this is the IG post, this is the Hero Shot, this is the Congratulations page, the about page, the ad, the business card, the Facebook group leader shot, the linkedin shot” etc.

From close-ups, motion blurred candids, to banners with center and side focus, verticals, horizontals, detail shots, connecting shots, voyeuristic fly-on-the-wall shots, doing vs being shots, birds-eye-views…We can also play with a look easily and get even more variety – swapping jackets, scarves, glasses, jewellery, is usually still within that same “base look” – sitting, standing, walking, talking, thinking, multi-tasking, being and breathing/looking/feeling…I usually like to get different backgrounds too within a look, weather we are outside and pop around the corner to go from in front of a modern building to sitting with some greenery in the background, or if we are indoors and want to move from the couch to the desk to the floor etc.

Very few photographers think in these terms. They have to have a solid background in marketing and the online world, and it’s a muscle that needs to be flexed. Wedding photographers, family photographers – they’ve spent years flexing totally different muscles as far as framing, mood, variety, gesture, directing…

[accordion-item title=”What is your rescheduling policy?”]

Life happens. Not everything is in our control. I never reschedule on account of the weather reports (that often end up being totally wrong). If we have bad weather, we will do the absolute best that we can with what we are given, and see where that puts us. Only twice in my life have I been unable to complete a shoot due to weather, so it’s extremely rare.

To me, all types of weather have both pluses and minuses. Overcast days provide more shoot spot options and more flattering light. Rained-on streets are gorgeous and clear away the crowds like a miracle. Blue skies are beautiful, but cut down on mid-day shoot options due to harsh direct lighting. Snow is gorgeous. Clouds coming and going rapidly create a challenge of ever changing light but boy do they give the most incredible sunsets.

As far as other situations or emergencies, all I ask for is honest and open communication. I want you to have an awesome shoot, but I also want to be respectful of both your time and my own, especially if I am traveling to you, or if you have booked me in a city where I have a very limited number of shoot spots. If you need to reschedule on short notice, there may be an additional fee, especially if I have booked a makeup and hair artist for your shoot, who likely turned down other work in order to commit to our day together. Great news – your booking deposit will not expire for 24 months! And your initial payment also locks in that rate that you booked at, for up to 12 months! Pretty sweet right?

[accordion-item title=”How many outfits should I bring?”]

I would say bring 2 or maybe 3 options for each look that your package includes, but no more.

[accordion-item title=”Do I need to hire a stylist, Zahrina?”]

You can, but 99% of my clients are Stying by me, it’s ALL INCLUDED, happy dancing!

I recommend you take advantage of at least 2 weeks prior to your shoot, trying on outfits, work with me so I can do a virtual wardrobe/style consult for you.

I find styling easy to do since over 10 years I know what looks AMAZING! I totally LOVE it, and I find it is helpful for everyone. I can recommend ways to wear it, shoot it, or if I think you might want to find or buy (or borrow) additional items.

However if you need a new wardrobe, I have direct contact with some awesome stylists.

[accordion-item title=”What if I want to use my own makeup artist or do my own?”]

In Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, my pro-hair and makeup team are my most favourite and tested gals and the best in the world.

I will keep an eye on your makeup and hair, advise on changes and touch-ups I notice. If you are using a particular makeup artist of your choosing, please send me their info as soon as you can so I can check out their work.

The gals I have vetted and tested and know my shooting style intimately. They are highly skilled, intuitive, lovely and beautiful. 

I would say about 99.9% of the images in my body of work were using my makeup and hair gals.

[accordion-item title=”I am a returning client – do I get a discount?”]

Yes! with returning clients, I’m able to create even more branding in a fun way, since we have worked together before! Yay xx

[accordion-item title=”I heard you have VIDEO CONFIDENCE Online Courses?”]

I do! I have online VIDEO MASTERMINDS that are group based to help business women execute their brand on video. Messaging is clear and your confidence is boomed on video with a group of AMAZING women! I host these exciting online global courses in certain times of the year for 6 weeks.

If you are interested in attending one of my VIDEO Branding Confidence Mastermind Group, please fill out one of the applications below.

Currently accepting applications for:

JULY 2021







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More questions?

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Phone – 0413 338 826

Email – info@zahrina.com


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