Joanne Antoun Brand Story with Zahrina Robertson
Joann Antoun – Brand Story
Director – Joanne Antoun & International Institute Combined Therapy Cocktail (IICTC)
I am a Transformation Expert and Creator of CTC, the 2 hour Life Transforming Combined Therapy Cocktail, more fondly known as Cut the Crap. I am also a Trainer, Author, Radio Show Host, Speaker and Founder of the International Institute of Combined Therapy Cocktail (IICTC).
How did you find the courage/motivation to embark on the path of doing what you’re doing as a dynamic entrepreneur?
Sometimes the courage and motivation comes when you realize that you were born for more and can no longer just settle for where you are. I made the choice to step fully into my power and live my purpose. This taught me that you will always be the happiest, healthiest, and most successful you can possibly be when you are doing what you are most passionate about. Your passion is your purpose.
What are your top two strategies for promoting your personal brand to help your business?
Being clear and concise about who you are, what you stand for the value you offer to others, and living by that is extremely important. After all when it comes to running a business your reputation is your most valuable asset. Once you are clear about this, then it’s time to promote your personal brand.
Connect with people, build healthy relationships, and always deliver the service you promise or better. Recommendations and word of mouth remain the best possible form of advertising.
How has personal branding helped you to achieve your business goals?
I’ve been in my current industry for many years now and have to say that when is comes to building your personal brand, a successful business, and maintaining it you absolutely must be authentic. My authenticity, my reputation and the branding that has come with that have positioned me as a highly sought after therapist, teacher, speaker, writer and radio show host.
From your experience, what advice would you provide to other entrepreneurs on personal branding?
Make sure everything you say, do and share represents your authentic self. The only thing that is sustainable is you being the best version of you, your authentic self. You were born to be you, to let your own light shine. Honour yourself by living your truth. Make sure that all personal branding is you and the rest will take care of itself.
What does the future hold for you?
Continue my public speaking engagements, training CTC therapists, and helping clever people to be commercially smart by capturing, packaging, and delivering their thought leadership.
If you’re interested in learning more about personal brand photography, set a time to chat with me and I can talk you through it.
But act now as this offer will be gone before you know it.