Magnetic Personal Brand Story #1 Michele Hamdorf with Zahrina Robertson
Magnetic Personal Brand Story – #1 Michele Hamdorf with Zahrina Robertson
Chief Experience Officer/Entrepreneur/ Non Executive Director/Speaker (M.E. (Exec), M.IoDSA, MAICD, MAMI)
As a start-up & turnaround expert, I’ve delivered marketing, merchandise and retail successes in fashion, telecommunications and e-commerce, gaining global recognition. I’ve developed numerous retail strategies spanning over 25 years internationally. It’s been a great ride, working with the biggest brands like Myer, Target, GRLmobile and Edgars in Sth Africa and then building Brands such as Von Follies by Dita Von Teese lingerie, Dita Von Teese ( the recognised Queen of Burlesque) Clothing Collection, Spinners by sporting legend Mr 23 Shane Warne & Smart A Sam with AFL and media star Sam Newman. All of which have variously been launched in Australia, the USA, UK and Indian markets under the leadership and strategy of myself.
How did you find the courage/motivation to embark on the path of doing what you’re doing as a dynamic entrepreneur?
I’d started young and full of enthusiasm to build great brands initially in fashion . I knew early on I wanted to change the world with how I could contribute to assist businesses and motivate people to be the best they can be. Hire for attitude train for skill is one of my mottos! I also knew that I could see into the branding future to be a game changer and market disruptor by being ahead of the pack.
What are your top two strategies for promoting your personal brand to help your business?
My no.1 strategy is ‘Can do. Just did’ – I’ve lived by this for as long as I can remember and this belief is carried through my every day work approach. It means ‘consider it done’. Even the impossible. It has built amazing credibility for me for my personal brand and displays integrity, Trust is earned. Our ethos. ‘Hamdorf walks the talk with her team at LDB – sleeves rolled up’, Nothing’s changed I always will.
How has personal branding helped you to achieve your business goals?
Personal Branding has helped me become an expert in my field and widely known. It’s help me attract the most influential and best people around me and to do business with. Truly remarkable. Personal Branding is a continuous evolution as you gain breadth and depth in your work.
From your experience, what advice would you provide to other entrepreneurs on personal branding?
I would defiantly invest in your education, profile and more than anything AWESOME images that will do all the talking for you online. Images that exude your energy and style. What does the future hold for you? I’m currently evolving to the next level – a non executive Board portfolio, as an in-demand speaker and consultant and in July 2015 have commenced my first book focusing on Brand Start Up lessons for all entrepreneurs. Watch this space!