How to Start Sharing Your Brand Story Today
What Is Your Goal?
Have you ever had a close friend ask you for advice, or been asked to share your brand story with a group of people? The truth is that everyone has a brand story worth telling, it’s just up to us as individuals whether we put in the work required to make our stories interesting enough for others.
You might be wondering, “What is my goal? What am I trying to accomplish?” Here’s a hint: It’s not just about sharing your brand story. The goal of storytelling is to help others and make a positive impact on the world around you. So what do you want to achieve?
What is the purpose of your brand story?
You need a clear idea in mind of what outcome you want to achieve by sharing your brand story (aka, why). Something along the lines of “I want people who are struggling with depression or anxiety because they don’t feel like they fit in at school/work/their family life will see my video and realize that they’re not alone.”
What Does Your Audience Need?
Once you know who your audience is, it’s time to figure out what they need. Are they facing problems? Do they lack specific skills or resources? Do they want to change something about themselves or their lives and struggle with how to do so?
This is where storytelling can come in handy. Storytelling provides an opportunity for people who are struggling with some aspect of their life—whether it’s related to chronic illness, job loss, relationship issues, or anything else—to see themselves as part of a larger narrative.
Who Have You Helped Before?
Think back to a time when you had a problem and someone else solved it for you. Maybe it was your mom or dad, maybe it was a teacher or coach, or maybe even a friend or classmate. When people help us solve our problems, we often remember that moment forever—it’s such an amazing feeling to know that other people care about us. You might have also helped someone else with something important in their life! We all like feeling useful and appreciated by others so be sure to include any experiences where this happened in your brand story (and remember: help doesn’t always mean money).

Do You Have a Crystal-Clear Vision For Your Ideal Client/Customer?
Knowing who your audience is and what they need, want, and like is essential to crafting an effective brand story. For example, if you’re selling a dog leash to dog owners, knowing that they’re likely concerned about their pet’s safety, or that they love taking their pup out for walks in the park will help you craft stories about how this product keeps their canine companions safe when on the go. If instead, you’re trying to sell high-end snowboard equipment online then knowing what kinds of people buy these items would be important information so that you can create content that appeals specifically to them.
Is Your Brand Story Easy to Understand?
Now that you’ve written your brand story and have a good sense of why it’s important, make sure it’s easy to understand. At this point, you may be tempted to start sharing your brand story with other people—but hold up for a moment! Think about how you’d tell this brand story to a five-year-old: would they get it? Would they understand the message? Would they ask questions or wonder what happened next? If not, think about what could make it simpler or more interesting.
When you’re ready to start sharing your brand story, don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment. The best way to learn about storytelling is by practicing it! Start with small audiences who will give you constructive feedback on how well it works for them, then once you’ve honed in on what works best, try out your brand story on larger audiences. Don’t forget to have your visual assets captured for your brand story.