Magnetic Personal Brand Story #6 Kathryn Hutchins with Zahrina Robertson
General Manager – Children Services Only About Children Pty Ltd
About Oac™ – Only About Children (Oac) offers a truly 21st century approach to childcare that resonates with modern families. Oac has created custom, purpose built, environments for children to learn, explore, play and develop. Delivering a unique Oac Grow educational curriculum which calls on international best practice.
Kathryn’s role as General Manager, Children Services, is responsible for the service functions which supports and delivers Oac’s as the premium provider in early childhood education and development. Accountability for the Customer Relations, Human Resources, Education & Health, Marketing Communications and Service Innovation areas.
How did you find the courage/motivation to embark on the path of doing what you’re doing?
My motivation to achieve is really via persistence and hard work through driving myself to excel at what I do and add value. The path throughout my career has never been specifically plotted as some opportunities have presented that were unexpected…rather it was by taking a few risks to move outside of my comfort zone that has allowed me to achieve in my career.
What are your top two strategies for promoting your personal brand to help your business?
Confidence – be clear on who you are and what you are capable of…be confident that you add value to the business and make an impact Build partnering relationships – understand the business and work with other individuals in the business to ensure the business strategy and plans are driven forward. It’s critical to build strong positive relationships with individuals within the business so that you can work as a group to deliver plans.
How has personal branding helped you to achieve your business goals?
Branding allows you to consider who you are and what you stand for…to provides a level of professional confidence in your ability and present this confidence visually.
From your experience, what advice would you provide to other entrepreneurs/Leaders on personal branding?
Be clear on what you are wishing to achieve in your career. Asking the question “what am I working towards, what am I trying to achieve?”…Take a few gambles and step outside of your comfort zone.
What does the future hold for you?
Continue in a role that makes a difference, at Oac we work to educate and develop children – it’s very rewarding as providing children with a great start to life is inspirational. I’ve two children and I want them to have a fantastic future and life!
For more information on how Zahrina can help you create your magnetic personal brand with IMAGES and VIDEO, please contact Zahrina Robertson via this link:
Author of “MAGNETIC BRANDING”- The Complete Guide For a Brand That Attracts!